In Memory of Dr. Wayne Dyer

Dr Wayne Dyer

* ‘Dr Wayne Dyer was an internationally recognised self-help author and motivational speaker, and one of my heroes. Since he passed away recently his film, “My Greatest Teacher” has been made available to view for free for a limited time. Take the time to watch this wonderful film.

I’ve included the message from his website so you can have a bit of background before you view the film.


Wayne Dyer passed away on August 30th. It seemed like a random day and a tragic loss for so many of us. But as we were preparing his obituary and information for the press release about his passing we were going through I Can See Clearly Now, his memoir for information to share about his life: we noticed that August 30th was in fact a very important date in Wayne’s life.

August 30, 1974 was, in fact, what Wayne considered the most important day of his life. It was the day that Wayne went to the grave site for the father he never met in Biloxi, Mississippi. After going to his father’s grave, he wrote Your Erroneous Zonesin 14 days, and his life changed forever.

So Wayne passed away exactly 41 years after the most important day of his life.

We have a film that we produced with Wayne at Hay House about this time in his life called, My Greatest Teacher, which shows the amazing events that took place in order for Wayne to even get to his father’s grave and how it changed him forever.

We are offering this film for free to all of you to watch until September 15th. Please click the link below and please share with anyone you think would like to watch this film, or benefit from its message of forgiveness.”*

Here’s the link to the video

Jennifer xx

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