Hypnotherapy and Green Smoothies

healthy Green smoothie

The healing power of chlorophyll.

I decided to have a “green” week this week, as I have had eye surgery, and felt it would help the healing process when I suddenly remembered Victoria Boutenko.

I went to my bookshelves today and picked up my signed copy of Victoria’s book “Green For Life“, that I won when I first met her at a presentation here in Perth.

She was the first person I knew who spoke about the amazing results they were getting by using green smoothies – now there are dozens of people writing books and marketing smoothies.

She spoke that day about how her husband and two younger children had been eating an only raw food diet since January 1994.

They had gone on this very radical diet out of complete despair when their medical doctors were failing in their efforts to help them recover from their horrible illnesses. (page 7 in her book describes their illnesses).

As Victoria says in her book “blended green smoothies are a simple and delicious way of accessing the healing properties of greens. Whether you eat raw food, vegan, vegetarian or a mainstream diet, regular green smoothies can significantly improve your health”.

She has studied the chimpanzee diet which I will share later in another blog.

So my favourite “green smoothie” is what she prepared for us all that day!

Let me share it with you!

Victoria Boutenko’s Green Smoothie

• 2 handfuls of English spinach washed
• 1 small banana
• 1 small mango or half a large one
• 2 cups of water (I often use Coconut water as it adds to hydration )
• Also I often add a finger-length piece of cucumber

Blend together and enjoy.

*1 glass is a meal replacement.

Remember these are my ideas for a healthy lifestyle so check with your medical practitioner if you have any concerns.





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