Quit smoking using Hypnosis – Part Three – Juices


freshly squeezed juice is cleansing and healthy to help quit smoking using hypnotherapy

Juices are an amazing way to help heal the body and the mind … they cleanse the colon and help rid the body of toxins through the process of elimination.

Plus they are a delicious and refreshing way to start your day!

To maximise your health and wellbeing during your quit smoking journey try to:

  • Have at least one or two shots (an ounce) of wheatgrass a day. Try to follow it with a large glass of your favourite juice combination – mine is carrot, celery, beetroot and ginger. Have at least one or two glasses of fresh juice per day.
  • Watermelon juice is another favourite of mine, it’s always very refreshing and cleansing for the mouth. I was always taught to eat melon alone, don’t mix it with other fruit. It is a wonderfully alkaline food.

Years after I managed to quit smoking I still drink fresh juice all the time for my health … here’s some of my favourites:


wheatgrass juice is very healthy for when you quit smoking using hypnotherapy

Wheatgrass is a wonderful green drink. People often say “Oh but I am allergic to wheat and wheat products”. In fact it’s the green grass that is juiced not the wheat itself. However, if unsure then seek medical advice before trying. You can easily grow your own in a tray in a window or in the sun. Search the internet for helpful instructions.

“The Wheatgrass Book” by Ann Wigmore is a great source of information on how to grow and use wheatgrass to maximise your health and vitality. As the grass is so strong, you will need a special juicer or mincer as wheatgrass needs to be crushed for the juice to be collected.

On the link above you’ll also find sprouting lids and special wheat grass presses to purchase – there is a wealth of tools and accessories there to help you stick to your new healthy living plan!

Lemon – The  Master Cleanser

fresh lemon for giving up smoking using hypnotherapy

People think lemon is acidic; however it is the most alkaline of all foods.
Alkaline foods are the most gentle and kindest to our bodies.

I drink lemon juice first thing in the morning. I use normal filtered water with freshly squeezed lemon juice; however lots of my friends enjoy lemon juice in a mug with hot water. What ever you do, try it! It’s a great new habit to get into.

You may also add a small amount of real unprocessed honey.

Green Smoothies

green smoothie for giving up smoking using hypnotherapy

They are so delicious, packed with nutrition and quick and easy to make!

My favourite is:

One banana broken and popped into a blender, two cups of filtered water, about half a mango, then two handfuls of washed English spinach. Blend until combined and smooth. Then drink slowly. It will make approximately three glasses.

A combination of only two fruits is desirable. I love the combination of banana and pear. Green For Life by Victoria Boutenko of The Raw Food Family is a great resource. (www.rawfamily.com).

Orange Juice

fresh orange juice for giving up smoking using hypnotherapy

Orange juice is a wonderful pick-me-up! Often in the first four days of quitting smoking our blood sugar levels become low as the nicotine leaves the body and our energy level drops. It may help to eat a couple of oranges during the day or to have a couple of glasses of pure orange or lemon juice to help you through this time.

You may like to search the internet for juice combinations. There are so many alternatives to choose from.

Here’s a few good sites that I’ve found:

Once you have a juicer it’s so easy to make your own juice or if you live in a city, you can find your local juice bar.

Happy juicing!


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