The Best That You Can Be

do I cluck like a chicken

Can Hypnosis or hypnotherapy make you cluck like a chicken?

I love this cartoon as its totally opposite to what people think!
Whenever I’m out and about maybe at a social function or meeting new people the first question everyone asks is what do you do?  My reply is I’m a clinical hypnotherapist!
I hypnotise people.
Their reaction is always “You’re not!”
And then I get the inevitable: “So can you make me cluck like a chicken?!” They giggle in disbelief and are also even a little scared.

My reply is, “always! So whatever you do, dont look into my eyes!”

They turn and try not to look at me and squirm a bit. It’s so funny to watch.
But the question is: Do you really want to cluck like a chicken? If you do, then yes, I can make you! The point is, I can only make you do what you want to do.
The most wonderful thing about Hypnotherapy is that it can really help you discover who you really are. It’s about fine tuning the real you. Becoming empowered.
I work with elite sports people to people who just want to feel better about themselves.
My part of this is to help you find the best that you can be.
So why not give it a go!
X Jennifer
Results may vary from client to client
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